Club  Details

The  Florence Amateur Radio Club was formed in 1978 and has been  in operation since then. Several of the Charter Members are still part of the group.  Below is a list of club officers that have been elected through a process each year to serve the group:

Club Officers

Donald Bryant, KB4RRC, President

Bruce Turner, WW4BT, Vice President

Russell Washburn, KC4WZL, Secretary/Treasurer


Donald Bryant, KB4RRC,    Trustee of the W4ULH Repeater

Charlie Calder, WD4KFD,  Assistant Trustee

Bruce Turner, WW4BT,        Assistant Trustee

Website Coordinator
Dean Lisenby, KK4ZMK                                                                                                                                                                       


To join the Florence Amateur Radio Club fill out  the ABOVE“   Application For Membership”. Mail it to the address below or bring it to the next club meeting.


$20 New Membership
$36 Renewal Membership
$18 Additional Family Membership

                                                                                 If you would like , You may pay your dues at our Saturday Bojangles or Monthly Business Meeting. 

                                                                                                                                         You may also mail a Check to the following:

Florence Amateur Radio Club
PO Box 5062
Florence SC 29502

In GENERAL -The club may be contacted via US mail or you may e-mail one of the officers by clicking one of the names above.

Detailed Dues Information